It's about Don and I having a boxing match today.
Since verifying the rumors yesterday that there will be no classes today, I was asking him if we could go to Cabanatuan and enjoy the rest of the day together, but he would not agree until this morning. I asked him why and he said that they will be having their basketball practice the whole day.
Oh yes, that fu*cking orange ball again.
I am not against him playing basketball of course, we already had an agreement that we are free to do ALL the things that we want to, for him it's basketball, for me, it's writing- seems unfair? yes.
I don't know why I agreed on that the least that I could remember is that when we made that agreement I was set to leave for Baguio for a seminar-workshop on Journalism. Argh. Now I realized, the Filipino saying that "nasa huli ang pagsisisi" is indeed true.
I am on a bad mood since yesterday because of cough and cold that I caught from late-night baratilyo shopping with Sir Francis, Kuya Jonnie, Kuya Fred, Alenna and him.
He sent me a message at 9 AM today that serves as my Good Morning greeting and I sent back a message sarcastically saying that "I thought you have a whole day practice today?" And there it was, the match began.
We argued about basketball for the nth time of our lives and I was like Dela Hoya during the Dream Match when he stood up and congratulated Pacquiao at the opening of the 9th round.
I gave up.
I cannot win over the f*cking basketball- and he warned me about it ages ago.
But he promised me that "basketball" will only be for the first semester since the University Intramurals takes place during the first sem. He also promised that he'll make-up for the times that he cannot have dinner with me because of their practice. I don't want to sound a bitter-possessive girlfriend here but he's just not fair and I hate him for that.
My phone rang at 11 30 AM as I was walking from the boarding house to the main gate, he said sorry and I said I understand ( I just don't want to talk to you) and I pressed the red key on my phone.
No, I never said the words enclosed in the parentheses but I am not sending him a message or calling him until now.
My realizations:
It's funny when people around us think that we do not have fights but the truth is, for the three years that we have been together, we fought a million times over pretty little things, and this one is no exception.
But then again, our fights serve as a therapy for us. It's the time for us to have bonding moments with ourselves, reflect about how we are behaving for the past days, and finally realize that we are still two different individuals bounded by the love that we have for each other.
He is my best-friend and my worst enemy, my number one fan and my greatest critic, and I would'nt want to be with any other guy for that matter.