Tuesday, October 28, 2008

on staying out of my comfort zone

People often say that staying in one's comfort zone does not define our limits, it does not allow us to go beyond what we are and what we want ourselves to be, to extend our reach and spread our wings, so we can touch the horizons and the limits of our consciousness.

I agree though, if we never experience pain, then we would never fully appreciate joy. If we never failed, then we can never experience learning from our mistakes and doing things the way it should be done.

I never realized this until today.

I never intended to be a teacher, as a matter of fact, my aunts and uncles even discouraged me from taking an Education course.

But maybe it was my fate to become one.

I guess I was bounded to become one by the notion that this maybe the least that I can do for the system where I have seen things that should be changed, eradicated and transformed.

I could have been an English major. I could have get rid of Mathematics, I could have studied what I really wanted to-literature, writing, communication arts and the likes. But I opted to stay out of the subject I am most comfortable with, the subject where I feel completely confident and capable of passing. To cut it short, my all time favorite subject.

I remembered my "genius" High School Physics teacher who once told us that we have to love Physics, so that when we see numbers and angles in test papers, we wouldn't feel awkward and resented.

He then told us that during his high school days, he was barely passing his quizzes and exams at his Physics subjects, so when he got into college, he decided to take a course that is related to Physics so that he can fully understand the subject. And he did just well, he graduated Magna Cum Laude.

This afternoon, I was already having thoughts of shifting from my course to a BSED-English course because of my Warning Status- I was disappointed because of my negligence and oh..laziness.

But then again, I remembered my Physics teacher and adviser during High School. I remembered how he conquered his fears and overcome his weaknesses.
Then I thought, maybe I could also be like him.

I am disappointed and so my mom, but maybe, continuing my course and staying out of my comfort zone will make me a better person and will give me that feeling that somehow, I achieved something that I have worked hard for and something that I never thought I could do.

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