Sunday, April 29, 2012


Well, it's been a year since I last posted something in this dusty old blog and just a few hours ago, while traveling along Pampanga with my family, my dad suggested that I should write all the anecdotes that I have experienced during my first few days in the metro. 

But before that, I'll give a run-down of what I've been through in the past year.

1. Graduated from college- finally!
2. Gained new friends and a lot of weight too (?) Haha
3. Learned so much from being independent and all the drama that 'forced' me to be one.
4. Came out as a stronger and wiser person
5. Built a personal relationship with my saviour, Jesus Christ
6. Felt blessed the whole year and still counting... ;)

And yeah, if you are one of the past readers of this blog, I left our good old province where I have lived all my life ten days after my graduation to explore the limitless possibilities the metro could offer, hence the name and description of the blog. :)

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